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Kharazah UAE offers the most premium Saudi leather sandals, shoes, and slippers for men in various designs, with perfumes and various accessories at great prices for everyone. Don’t forget to use the Kharazah promo code, found exclusively at the Al Coupon website, when shopping from the Kharazah online, to enjoy instant discounts on your order.
Kharazah promo code UAE | Kharazah offers
You can get the best luxury Saudi men's shoes, sandals, & perfumes at affordable prices from Kharazah UAE when using the Kharazah coupon code 2025.
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Kharazah delivers orders to their customers on time with the lowest shipping rates.
The delivery time from Kharazah online changes according to the delivery region.
Kharazah delivers orders to customers through delivery representatives or available shipping companies.
The delivery company determines the shipping and delivery period from the Kharazah website.
The delivery period in UAE may be affected according to special events and holidays, where you’ll be notified.
Kharazah provides an express shipping service for your orders.
It allows you to pay Cash on Delivery.
Payment methods via the Kharazah website are multiple and secured.
When receiving your order, Kharazah may ask you to show your ID to ensure that you are the right person.
Kharazah allows you to exchange any product within 7 days.
Kharazah Online allows you to return the product if you don’t like it within 3 days.
The process of refunding the amount paid by the customer takes place within 14 days.
The process of returning or exchanging any product is taken according to a special protocol at the Kharazah website, and you will be notified.
You can return your orders if the products are in the original condition and unused.
Kharazah allows the customer to cancel the order within 24 hours of completing the purchase.
Kharazah asks for a receipt or proof of purchase to return your order.
If you receive the wrong product, Kharazah will compensate the customer and send him the correct product.